Maryam rafted up next to Greenpeace boat in Tasiilaq, Greenland. We hope to leave on the 375 mile sail to Prins Christain Sund tomorrow (Wednesday, August 26th). PCS is located in the southern tip of Greenland and is reputedly one of the world's greatest passages.

Hey Bev, This is really cool! I lost the last message to you because I couldn't remember my google account password and inadvertently erased what I had written as I scrambled between screens to recover/change it. Had written something about never having visited a blog site and not realizing that I could actually answer for a long time after I got on your site. Am trying to be less of a Luddite, and eased in that direction by Harvey who gave me a Blackberry for my 65th birthday last month. Are these places I would recognize with other spelling or are they just obscure enough that they are known only to hardy mariners? Am remembering the trouble I had with Chinese spelling after it was changed. The photos are spectacular, and I know photos hardly do justice to what you have witnessed in person. Love, Miki